Why your turbocharger has stopped functioning
Although modern-day turbochargers are highly evolved systems that offer almost trouble-free service for the lifetime of your vehicle’s engine, it’s crucial to recognize the symptoms of turbocharger troubles and their causes in order to simplify repair and maintain its top performance. If your turbocharger has stopped functioning, look for the following- Black E xhaust Smoke – Drivers often experience excessive black particulate in their vehicles ’ exhaust. Check the air filter system and the supply of oil to the turbocharger . See if the unit is damage d.T he turbine housing, flap, or turbocharger bearing might have failed .Excessive black smoke can also be caused by problems elsewhere in the engine – worn valve guides, piston rings, or cylinder walls . Defective Compressor or Turbine Wheels – Improper lubrication can lead to excessive heat and friction, damaging the high-speed spinning parts of the turbo unit. If these parts are worn or broken, they’ll need t...